81 to 90 of 2,212 结果
2024-9-10 - DECODE辐合线和强对流影像素材
刘屹靖, 2024, "DECODE试验纪录片", https://doi.org/10.18170/DVN/HUUM3M, 北京大学开放研究数据平台, V3
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2024-8-27 - 导航卫星遥感陆地水文科学数据共享
万玮; 张洁; 梁宏, 2024, "中国北方GNSS气象观测业务站网积雪深度数据集", https://doi.org/10.18170/DVN/DTUZUB, 北京大学开放研究数据平台, V3, UNF:6:ctOUUR4E8YaWNhguMePJGA== [fileUNF]
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数据说明文档 |
2024-8-24 - meta分析
孙爱民, 2024, "Supplementary data from a meta-analysis of tolizumab in the treatment of thyroid eye disease", https://doi.org/10.18170/DVN/PVRZGY, 北京大学开放研究数据平台, V1
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Supplementary data from a meta-analysis of tolizumab in the treatment of thyroid eye disease
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2024-8-24 -
Supplementary data from a meta-analysis of tolizumab in the treatment of thyroid eye disease
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