41 to 50 of 2,212 结果
2024-12-19 - User Contributed Data
徐冠清, 2024, "Why Chinese Farmers Are Reluctant to Transfer Their Land in the Context of Non-agricultural Employment: Research from the Perspective of Agricultural Mechanization", https://doi.org/10.18170/DVN/TZ43PV, 北京大学开放研究数据平台, V1, UNF:6:YjqujJkgGVB4iw86B1Y1PA== [fileUNF]
Tab-Delimited - 6.8 MB - MD5: 09c0674fe1938a705b2f1d484df203b9
2024-12-16 - User Contributed Data
任志远, 2024, "Household welfare loss from energy price crisis: Evidence from China", https://doi.org/10.18170/DVN/YDYOIW, 北京大学开放研究数据平台, V1, UNF:6:7HEF9J9MHSlKp/+NF8ilFQ== [fileUNF]
application/x-stata-syntax - 21.0 KB - MD5: 8a749751bc1efee75aa365bfd676af64
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Plain Text - 246 B - MD5: ae79dd5e82d785b5120ad7d9237cbeed
2024-12-7 - Published data of Shen et al.
沈路路, 2024, "同时发表的论文: Large roles of renewable energy droughts in driving future extreme air pollution events", https://doi.org/10.18170/DVN/D1Z1JS, 北京大学开放研究数据平台, V1, UNF:6:evXgTxjWtW7kC5dBJToL0A== [fileUNF]
MS Excel (XLSX) - 19.3 KB - MD5: ce8ba488af92322c6824f05547ea4953
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