91 to 100 of 291 结果
2020-6-12 -
C677T polymorphism in the MTHFR gene is associated with risperidone-induced weight gain in schizophrenia
Tab-Delimited - 6.3 KB - MD5: 0af37a582b3e8004b4ac775030abaf85
2020-6-5 - cyx
崔员霞, 2020, "CYP2D6 genotyping", https://doi.org/10.18170/DVN/MQB2Y3, 北京大学开放研究数据平台, V1, UNF:6:NQyZjfKWRL2XeFMfLLWtXQ== [fileUNF]
2020-6-5 -
CYP2D6 genotyping
Tab-Delimited - 12.7 KB - MD5: 69f30ca4d5f43a3e24c68573c0934b0b
2020-5-19 - 环境经济学与政策研究
Yana Jin, 2020, "Beijing Environmental Health Valuation Survey", https://doi.org/10.18170/DVN/UIBK1Q, 北京大学开放研究数据平台, V2
2020-5-19 -
Beijing Environmental Health Valuation Survey
Adobe PDF - 855.1 KB - MD5: d58cac161f31f050056cf4eb259b0223
The (freely) translated English version of the survey in Jin's PhD dissertation. |
2020-4-3 - 中国老年健康与家庭幸福调查(CLHLS-HF)
北京大学健康老龄与发展研究中心, 2020, "中国老年健康影响因素跟踪调查(CLHLS)-追踪数据(1998-2018)", https://doi.org/10.18170/DVN/WBO7LK, 北京大学开放研究数据平台, V2
application/x-rar-compressed - 2.9 MB - MD5: e800db7dbad06ffa57f9185adc3aac3e