21 to 30 of 1,033 结果
2023-12-1 -
Evaluation of Doing Business in Chinese Cities
Adobe PDF - 748.0 KB - MD5: ecc0f08759389d8d211d952f9ec4d5cd
2023-11-9 - 2023年11月WRR期刊投稿数据
王传玺, 2023, "Figure data for the article "Ganglion Startup in Porous Media"", https://doi.org/10.18170/DVN/9ITWRK, 北京大学开放研究数据平台, V1, UNF:6:F3fxDjCeVMYTtFwD51s+Uw== [fileUNF]
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figure 2b in the main text |
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figure 2c in the main text |
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figure 2d in the main text |
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figure 3b in the main text |
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figure 3c in the main text |
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figure 3d in the main text |
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figure 4a in the main text |
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figure 4b in the main text |